Our Own AR-15 Tools, Barrel Wrench & Multi-Tool

Exciting News!

We have listened to our readers and it seems there is a strong desire for a quality AR-15 Multi-Tool. What better way to help our readers other than to go and build one ourselves! That is just what we may be doing. Our AR-15 Multi-Tool Review has been one of our top read posts, but it seems there is still not a clear definition in exactly what a majority of our readers prefer. In an effort to design EXACTLY what users want we have put this short survey together, and for those that subscribe to our email list you could be one of the lucky few to receive a beta test product for FREE! All we ask is for your honest input and review.

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There are two style multi-tools which dominate thAR 15 Multi Tool NC Stare AR-15 Tool marketplace. These are what we like to call the “Wrench Style” and the “Traditional Multi-Tool Style”

There are several developers of the Wrench Style AR-15 Tool, a common one being the DIY AR-15  Armorers Wrench.

The AR-15 Multi-Tool style is dominated by the Real Avid AR 15 Tool.RealAvidAR15MultiTool


Tell us what you want!

Help us help you by designing a tool you want. Take the short survey below so we can work to refine our design.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.